We now show our services on live stream every week. Just go to our YouTube channel to view it during our service time. We are very pleased to be able to spread God’s Word to the local area of the Upper Cumberland.
PODCASTING (sermons/music)
iTunes allows you to play media from your PC or Mac. You can download iTunes for free at Once you download iTunes you can subscribe to our podcast. By subscribing, you will get new services as they are added. Search “The Engrafted Word” or “Engrafted Word Church” to find our services.
You can subscribe for FREE.
PodSchool™ is our free Bible Study resource. PodSchool™ offers different courses with both audio mp3s and curriculum PDFs available for free download. The courses range anywhere from 4 lessons to 13 lessons. Feel free to download just the mp3s, just the PDFs, or both. Whether you’re interested in studying the subjects of Church Governments, Eschatology, Healing, or just Basic Christianity—Pod School is designed to deepen your understanding of the Word!
PodSchool™ is always being updated with new lessons so be sure to visit on a regular basis. May God bless your walk with Him!! Go to our FREE online Bible Lessons at, or just click on the following link.

“The Engrafted Word” is a 30 minute TV program that has been shown here in Cookeville since 2004. We are very pleased to be able to spread God’s Word to the local area of the Upper Cumberland. Tune in sometime to watch us, or, better yet, visit us so you’re not limited to a 30 minute program on TV. We would love to see you visit.
Cookeville, TN:
• Charter Channel 192 • Sundays at 8:30 p.m.
Ben Lomand Stations:
• Sundays and Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Grundy, Franklin, and Marion Counties:
• Charter Channel 6
Warren and White Counties:
• Ben Lomand Channel 9