Fat, Broke, & Crazy – Rediscovering the Fruit of Self-Control
by J. Christopher McMichael (Author)
Available by calling (931) 528-1305
or by clicking on link.
In 2016, over the course of one week, three headlines caught the author’s attention: Thirty Percent of Americans Obese, One-Third of Americans Don’t Have One Dollar in Savings, and One in Four Americans Mentally Ill. These headlines were glaring indicators that something was (and still is) greatly broken in the American people. How can America – the Christian Nation – find itself one-third obese, one-third broke, and nearly one-third mentally ill? What has happened to this great nation? God expects His children to daily bear fruit for His Glory. He has been gracious enough to give us a list of some of those fruit in the Galatian Epistle: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, gentleness, meekness, faithfulness, and self-control. it is the manifestation of these nine fruit that confirms we have the presence of the mighty Holy Spirit working in our lives. Might it be that in the long over-looked ninth fruit – the fruit of sel-control – we might find biblical help for our appetites, our finances, and our mental health?