Parachutes For Sheep – Softcover




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SKU: PFS103 Category:


  • 6 x 9 inches
  • 131 pages

There is a right way to leave a church, and there is a wrong way to leave a church. This is a book about how to leave church the right way! Unfortunately, the right way to leave church has rarely been taught, resulting in many Christians “jumping ship” in a less than honorable fashion.

Written in two parts, the first half of Parachutes For Sheep provides a brief overview of Church history, the biblical job description of the local pastor and his importance, what to look for in a strong church, how to find your God-ordained church, and a general list of dos and don’ts when it comes time to leave a church.

The second half of Parachutes For Sheep evaluates the six major reasons why Christians change churches and then prescribes a biblical course of action—a “parachute”—in order to ensure a safe landing. These six reasons include:

  • The Divine Reassignment
  • Hunger for More of God
  • Fleeing Apostasy and Heresy
  • The Geographical Move
  • Searching for an Easier Church
  • Offense

Parachutes For Sheep is a must-read for any Christian who’s considering changing churches and wants to do so honorably.

Chris McMichael is a pastor, missionary, and author. After a career in geology, he and his wife took the pastorate of Engrafted Word Church. He lives in Tennessee with his wife, Manda, and their children.